Welcome to

Bangladesh Passport and Visa Services
Centre, Kuala Lumpur

EXPAT Services (Kuala Lumpur) Sdn Bhd


ESKL offers a comprehensive suite of services for passport, visa, immigration, and consular needs. Our commitment to providing a stress-free application process and aiming to make the world accessible to everyone is commendable.

At ESKL, we strive to facilitate a stress-free application process, understanding that each applicant has unique requirements. Our aim is to assist applicants in navigating the process efficiently and accurately.

Assisting Bangladeshi Nationals
for Passport Services

As a respected partner of the High Commission of Bangladesh in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ESKL specializes in managing administrative tasks for Passport applications. While our role is administrative and non-judgmental, we ensure a seamless process for applicants. It's crucial to note that the issuance of a visa document is solely determined by the High Commission of Bangladesh, Malaysia.

Assisting Foreign Nationals
for Visa Services

As a respected partner of the High Commission of Bangladesh in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ESKL specializes in managing administrative tasks for visa applications. While our role is administrative and non-judgmental, we ensure a seamless process for applicants. It's crucial to note that the issuance of a visa document is solely determined by the High Commission of Bangladesh, Malaysia. Applicants are responsible for the accuracy and validity of their submissions.